Songteksten Vertalen

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big head todd & the monsters


boom boom

Je bekijkt nu de songtekst en vertaling: big head todd & the monsters – boom boom ? Hieronder vindt je de songtekst met vertaling naast elkaar weergegeven!

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Boom boom boom boom I’m gonna shoot you right down, Right offa your feet Take you home with me, Put you in my house Boom boom boom boom A-haw haw haw haw Hmm hmm hmm hmm Hmm hmm hmm hmm I love to see you strut, Up and down the floor When you talking to me, That baby talk I like it like that Whoa, yeah! Talk that talk, walk that walk When she walk that walk, And talk that talk, And whisper in my ear, Tell me that you love me I love that talk When you talk like that, You knocks me out, Right off of my feet Hoo hoo hoo Talk that talk, and walk that walk


Boom boom boom boom Ik schiet je zo neer, Right offa your feet Neem je mee naar huis met mij, Zet je in mijn huis Boom, boom, boom, boom A-haw haw haw haw Hmm hmm hmm hmm Hmm hmm hmm hmm Ik hou ervan om je te zien paraderen, Op en neer over de vloer When you talking to me, That baby talk I like it like that Whoa, yeah! Talk that talk, walk that walk When she walk that walk, And talk that talk, En fluister in mijn oor, Zeg me dat je van me houdt I love that talk When you talk like that, Je slaat me knock out, Right off of my feet Hoo hoo hoo Talk that talk, and walk that walk