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boy sets fire


so long and thanks for the crutches

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Just enough freedom to forget you’re a slave, just enough anger to make sure we get paid easy does it baby don’t lose your headcause we both know that ideals don’t sell come now pass us the saccharin part 1 then part 2 who knew you had it so easy (chorus x2) hit it hit it we’ll go straight to the top it’s all a matter of whose cock you suck we got the money hey come on lets go ha! ha! you know you want it! yeah! you know you want it! (well c’mon) shake it like a rebel just don’t cross any lines cause family god and country are back in style sex drugs and politics are finejust remember that we own you, we bought you, and we’ll sell you whenever we want to we break your legs and you will thank us for the crutches (chorus x2) we wanna fuck but we end up kissing is this still rock cause the danger is missing you gotta feed it gotta feed your addiction so pack a lunch for the next crucifixion you wanna feel the applause? You wanna win at all cost? Well you better learn to play nice and eat shit like a dog! (chorus x2)


Net genoeg vrijheid om te vergeten dat je een slaaf bent, net genoeg woede om er zeker van te zijn dat we betaald krijgen easy does it baby don’t lose your headcause we both know dat idealen niet verkopen kom nu geef ons de sacharine part 1 then part 2 who knew you had it so easy (refrein x2) hit it hit it we’ll go straight to the top it’s all a matter of whose cock you suck we got the money hey come on lets go ha! Ha! Je weet dat je het wilt! Ja! Je weet dat je het wilt! (nou kom op) shake it like a rebel just don’t cross any lines Want familie, God en land zijn weer in de mode. sex, drugs en politiek zijn prima, vergeet niet… dat we je bezitten, we hebben je gekocht, en we verkopen je wanneer we maar willen we break your legs and you will thank us for the crutches (refrein x2) we wanna fuck but we end up kissing is this still rock cause the danger is missing you gotta feed it gotta feed your addiction so pack a lunch for the next crucifixion you wanna feel the applause? Wil je winnen ten koste van alles? Nou, je kunt beter leren aardig te spelen en stront te eten als een hond! (refrein x2)