Songteksten Vertalen

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brenda lee


little jonah (rock on your steel guitar)

Je bekijkt nu de songtekst en vertaling: brenda lee – little jonah (rock on your steel guitar) ? Hieronder vindt je de songtekst met vertaling naast elkaar weergegeven!

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Ya gotta rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah, ah Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Jonah’s just a making that guitar moan Everbody got to feel it, in their bones Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Well roll on like a merry mack Little Jonah oh Roll on like a merry mack Little Jonah Breaking all the china in the shack Ya rocking that soot right off a my back Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Oh Can’t stand still gotta shake your bones Everytime he makes his guitar moan Making all the dancers hop and turn I got the run smoking and ready to burn You gotta rock on you steel guitar Little Jonah oh Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Rock the rocky top off the shanty top If it ain’t been nailed, it’ll be ready to drop Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Oh Can’t stand still gotta shake your bones Every time he makes his guitar moan Making all the dancers hop and turn I got the run smoking and ready to burn You gotta rock on you steel guitar Little Jonah oh Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Rock the rocky top off the shanty top If it ain’t been nailed, it’ll be ready to drop Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Rock on your steel guitar


Je moet rocken op je steelgitaar Little Jonah, ah Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Jonah’s makes just a making that guitar moan Iedereen moet het voelen, in hun botten Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Well roll on like a merry mack Little Jonah oh Roll on like a merry mack Little Jonah Breaking all the china in the shack Ya rocking that soot right off a my back Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Oh Can’t stand still gotta shake your bones Everytime he makes his guitar moan Making all the dancers hop and turn I got the run smoking and ready to burn You gotta rock on you steel guitar Little Jonah oh Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Rock the rocky top off the shanty top If it ain’t nailed, it’ll be ready to drop Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Oh Can’t stand still gotta shake your bones Every time he makes his guitar moan Making all the dancers hop and turn I got the run smoking and ready to burn You gotta rock on you steel guitar Little Jonah oh Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Rock the rocky top off the shanty top If it ain’t nailed, it’ll be ready to drop Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Rock on your steel guitar Little Jonah Rock on your steel guitar