Songteksten Vertalen

Zoek vertaling


etta james


all i could do was cry

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I heard church bells ring I heard a choir singing I saw my love walk down the aisle On her finger he placed a ring Ohhhh oh I saw them holding hands She was standing there with my man I heard them promise Til death do us part Each word Was a pain In my heart Chorus : All i could do was cry All i could do was cry I was losing the man that i love And all i could do was cry And now the wedding is over Rice, rice has been thrown over their heads For them life has just begun But mine is ending Ohh (chorus)


Ik hoorde kerkklokken luiden Ik hoorde een koor zingen Ik zag mijn liefde door het gangpad lopen. Aan haar vinger schoof hij een ring Ohhhh oh Ik zag ze elkaars handen vasthouden Zij stond daar met mijn man Ik hoorde ze beloven Tot de dood ons scheidt Elk woord Was een pijn In mijn hart Refrein: All I could do was cry All I could do was cry I was losing the man that I love And all I could do was cry And now the wedding is over Rijst, rijst is over hun hoofden gegooid. Voor hen is het leven net begonnen. But mine is ending Ohh (refrein)