Songteksten Vertalen

Zoek vertaling


Ilse Delange


Arms Of Salvation

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When your troubled heart is restless And your morning’s feeling blue And a part of you is doubting everything you ever knew When you’re running fast from darkness And it’s just a step behind And your feet they start to stumble on the shadows In your mind Just hold on to the knowing That it’s gonna be alright And the arms of salvation will be holding you tonight (Yes They Will) When the quit of the healing In the falling of the light There’s a simple sort of certainly when love is at your side So when that hard rain starts to sting you And that cold wind starts to bite There’s a freedom in surrender Baby you don’t have to fight Just hold on to the knowing That it’s gonna be alright And the arms of salvation will be holding you tonight Just hold on to the knowing That it’s gonna be alright And the arms of salvation will be holding you tonight (Yes They Will)
