Songteksten Vertalen

Zoek vertaling


imagine dragons


not giving in

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Benieuwd naar het liedje en de betekenis van not giving in? Bekijk de Nederlandse vertaling.

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[Intro] I’m not giving in I’m not giving in I’m not giving in I’m not giving in [Verse 1] Well, it’s time to start the show I lost my heart and lost my soul And now it’s time that you won’t know I lost my mind and lost my goal [Pre-Chorus] Mm, not giving in I’m not giving in Ooh, I’m not giving in Ooh, I’m not giving in, yeah [Chorus] This time, I’m gonna be stronger I’m not giving in This time, I’m gonna be stronger, no, I’m not giving in [Verse 2] Waste my time which makes things worse Lost in mine, my love is cursed Time to make these things feel right Woah, let’s start this show for one last time [Pre-Chorus – Alex Clare] Oh, I’m not giving in (Not giving in) Not giving in (Not giving in) Not giving in (Not giving in) Not giving in [Chorus] This time, I’m gonna be stronger I’m not giving in This time, I’m gonna be stronger, no, I’m not giving in This time, I’m gonna be stronger I’m not giving in This time, I’m gonna be stronger, no, I’m not giving in [Outro] Not giving in I’m not giving in Not giving in, ooh Not giving in, ooh Oh, I’ve gotta be stronger Oh, I’ve gotta be stronger Oh, I’ve gotta be stronger


[Intro] Ik geef niet op ik geef niet op ik geef niet op I’m not giving in [Verse 1] Well, it’s time to start the show I lost my heart and lost my soul And now it’s time that you won’t know I lost my mind and lost my goal [Pre-Chorus] Mm, niet toegeven I’m not giving in Ooh, I’m not giving in Ooh, I’m not giving in, yeah [Chorus] This time, I’m gonna be stronger I’m not giving in Deze keer zal ik sterker zijn, nee, ik geef niet op [Vers 2] Waste my time which makes things worse Verloren in de mijne, mijn liefde is vervloekt Tijd om deze dingen goed te laten voelen Woah, let’s start this show for one last time [Pre-Chorus – Alex Clare] Oh, I’m not giving in (Niet opgeven) Not giving in (Not giving in) Not giving in (Not giving in) Not giving in [Chorus] This time, I’m gonna be stronger I’m not giving in This time, I’m gonna be stronger, no, I’m not giving in This time, I’m gonna be stronger I’m not giving in This time, I’m gonna be stronger, no, I’m not giving in [Outro] Not giving in I’m not giving in Not giving in, ooh Not giving in, ooh Oh, ik moet sterker zijn Oh, I’ve gotta be stronger Oh, I’ve gotta be stronger