Songteksten Vertalen

Zoek vertaling


schoolly d


i wanna get dusted

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I wanna get dusted, I gotta get dusted baby I wanna get dusted, I gotta get dusted baby Drivin’ in my car, down the avenue Chewin on a J, what the fuck can ya do? Dip around the corner in my nigga’s Mercedes First thing I see is a fly young lady Jump out my ride and proceed to kick game First thing I kick is my motherfuckin’ name Schooly D bitch you know that I’ma winner I getcha high and take ya ass out to dinner Talk about the cheeba and we talk about the black It’s 93 and the bitch smoked crack Took her to the crib, first thing that I did Kicked her ass and I fucked her on the bed I pulled the gat and popped two in the dome Yo my nigga, ‘cause it’s on Seen mo’ blood than a nightmare thriller Schooly D, I’ma crack bitch killa Sittin in the crib, mindin my own I get a call from my nigga named Bone Told me that some niggas was trippin’ I grab my gat and put the motherfuckin’ clip in Grab my cheeba, jump into my ride Had’ta cruise to the south side Lookin’ on the corner who should I see? A motherfucker lookin’ just like me I grab my gat, start poppin Punk motherfuckers start droppin’ Seen more blood than a Friday night thrilla Schooly D, the crack pussy killa


Ik wil afgestoft worden, ik moet afgestoft worden baby I wanna get dusted, I gotta get dusted baby Drivin’ in my car, down the avenue Chewin on a J, what the fuck can ya do? Dompel om de hoek in mijn nigga’s Mercedes First thing I see is a fly young lady Spring uit m’n auto en ga het spel trappen Het eerste wat ik doe is mijn klote naam Schooly D bitch you know that I’ma winner Ik maak je high en neem je mee uit eten Praat over de cheeba en we praten over de black It’s 93 and the bitch smoked crack Nam haar mee naar het huis, het eerste wat ik deed. Ik gaf haar een schop onder haar kont en neukte haar op het bed. I pulled the gat and popped two in the dome Yo my nigga, ‘cause it’s on Ik heb meer bloed gezien dan een thriller in een nachtmerrie. Schooly D, I’ma crack bitch killa Sittin in the crib, mindin my own I get a call from my nigga named Bone Told me that some niggas were trippin’ Ik pak mijn pistool en stop de klote clip erin Grab my cheeba, jump in my ride Had’ta cruise to the south side Lookin’ on the corner who should I see? A motherfucker lookin’ just like me I grab my gat, start poppin Punk motherfuckers start droppin’ Seen more blood than a Friday night thrilla Schooly D, the crack pussy killa