Songteksten Vertalen

Zoek vertaling


sheek louch


go hoodlums

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It time. Lock in. [Chorus] Go hoodlums, go thugs All my street niggas, Movin’ them drugs. Go strip bitch, make a nigga rich I know the ready ain’t really goin’ like this But Go hoodlums, go thugs All my street niggas, Movin them drugs. Go strip bitch, make a nigga rich I know the ready ain’t really goin’ like this But I see everybody talking bout what crisp they drinking But no body really saying what a thug be thinking. See they bitches don’t know you Till you come with the Lincoln. Or the Porsche eyes lift up like the car was winking. Real niggas on the block Wit big dimes in his sock You bet somewhere is a glock Post it up


Het is tijd. Sluit in. [Chorus] Go vechtersbazen, ga schurken Al mijn straat niggas, Movin ‘hen drugs. Go strip bitch, make a nigga rich I know the ready ain’t really goin’ like this Maar Go hoodlums, go thugs Al mijn straat niggas, Movin hen drugs. Go strip bitch, make a nigga rich I know the ready ain’t really goin’ like this But Ik zie iedereen praten over wat crisp ze drinken Maar niemand zegt echt wat een boef denkt. Zie je, die wijven kennen je niet. Totdat je met de Lincoln komt. Of de Porsche ogen opheffen alsof de auto knipoogt. Real niggas on the block With big dimes in his sock You bet somewhere is a glock Post it up