Well say-a-a-hey, could you come through
Did you feel good, well it felt good
And it looked like maybe you could settle in
Did you think that was dead?
Did you feel good, well it felt good
And it looked like maybe you could settle in
And say-a-a-hey, did you get tired
Did you feel the, all of the compression, did you look off around
So in
Did you feel good, well it felt good
And it looked like maybe you could settle in
Quick with the terrain
Quick at the terrain
Quick with the terrain
Wel say-a-a-hey, could you come through
Voelde je je goed, nou het voelde goed
En het leek erop dat je je misschien kon nestelen
Did you think that was dead?
Voelde je je goed, nou het voelde goed
And it looked like maybe you could settle in
En zeg eens, werd je moe?
Voelde je de, alle compressie, keek je rond
Voelde je je goed, nou het voelde goed
And it looked like maybe you could settle in
Snel op het terrein
Snel op het terrein
Snel op het terrein