Songteksten Vertalen

Zoek vertaling


the doors


bird of prey

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Bird of Prey. Bird of Prey. Flying high. Flying high. In the summer sky. Bird of Prey. Bird of Prey. Flying high. Flying high. gently pass on by. Bird of Prey. Bird of Prey. Flying high. Flying high. am i going to die. Bird of Prey. Bird of Prey. Flying high. Flying high. take me on your flight.


Roofvogel. Roofvogel. Hoog vliegend. Hoog vliegend. In de zomerlucht. Roofvogel. Roofvogel. Hoog vliegend. Hoog vliegend. Zachtjes voorbij. Roofvogel. Bird of Prey. Hoog vliegen. Hoog vliegen. Ga ik dood. Bird of Prey. Bird of Prey. Hoog vliegen. Flying high. Neem me mee op je vlucht.