Songteksten Vertalen

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down incognito

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Days Undercover, All out of sync Haven’t paid the rent, even talkin’ in my sleep My monkey’s M.O., is all out of commission I’m waitin’ for a good old fashioned cure for my condition [Chorus] ‘Cause I’m all out of time And I’m all out of money Hangin’ Down Incognito Waitin’ for the sun to shine Counts to the left Jokers to the right Countin’ on the rest of us To come and take a bite But I’ll wait it out Call it superstition I’ll be fine for now Just reminiscing [Chorus] I just had to let it go Took all the pennies I had Threw ‘em in the wishing well And I wish you well Days Undercover, All out of sync Haven’t paid the rent, even talkin’ in my sleep My monkey’s M.O., is all out of commission I’m waitin’ for a good old fashioned cure for my condition [Chorus] Me and my amigos, Down Incognito


Days Undercover, All out of sync Heb de huur niet betaald, zelfs praten in mijn slaap My monkey’s M.O., is all out of commission I’m waitingin’ for a good old fashioned cure for my condition [refrein] ‘Cause I’m all out of time And I’m all out of money Hangin’ Down Incognito Waitin’ for the sun to shine Counts to the left Jokers aan de rechterkant Rekenend op de rest van ons Om te komen en een hapje te nemen Maar ik wacht het wel af Noem het bijgeloof Ik red me voorlopig wel Just reminiscing [refrein] I just had to let it go Nam alle pennies die ik had Gooide ze in de wensput And I wish you well Days Undercover, All out of sync Ik heb de huur niet betaald, ik praat zelfs in mijn slaap My monkey’s M.O., is all out of commission I’m waitingin’ for a good old fashioned cure for my condition [refrein] Me and my amigos, Down Incognito